Web / Interactive design

A lesson in brand loyalty

The Evian Live Young Rewards is a web based consumer loyalty program. It is being developed to: 1: drive volume, 2: build consumer loyalty, and 3: recapture lost consumers due to the economy and competition. The loyalty program comes from the pure source of youth and renewal with inspitration, recognition and rewards for a community dedicated to live young and healthy. It’s about the values, not about the intrinsics. It’s not just about 15 years of premium glacial waters; it’s about an attitude towards life. The campaign proposal is outlined in many deliverables, not all shown here, but include: the structual reward framework, labels/stickers for bottles, POS materials, front-end design for the microsite, the apps and social media campaigns, print advertising, book publication design, and 3 promotion overlay themes for retail activation and third party tie-ins. With April Moore for Powerpact LLC New York.

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