
Every company needs a Big-Hairy-Ambitious-Goal

Does your company have a Big-Hairy-Ambitious-Goal? You may think it’s to make money, to create shareholder value, to grow. Every company needs to do those things. It’s how you’ll do those things that’s important.

“Today’s extraordinary businesses are driven by Big-Hairy-Ambitious-Goals. They own an unconditional, inspirational directive about where the business needs to go in the world. Especially during times of great economic uncertainty, a BHAG is the key to creating and maintaining a high performing organisation, deserving just as much attention as strategy, execution and innovation.” Indra Nooyi, Chairwoman and CEO of PepsiCo

The world’s most powerful companies own a Big-Hairy-Ambitious-Goal.

MultiChoice Africa is not just another satellite TV provider. It’s purpose is to ‘enrich lives’ across the continent, bridging the divide through broadcast content in education, news and entertainment.

Nike/Inc is not just another manufacturer of sports shoes and clothing. It is a company that embodies the spirit of winning.

The Coca-Cola Corporation is not just about producing sugared, carbonated water. It’s about enjoying life.

Orange is not just another telecom provider, it’s about optimism. (The future is bright. The future is orange.)

Nando’s is not just another fast food franchise. It is a spicy part of South African life.

Avis is not just another car rental company. ‘We try harder’ has become their business-model.

Paris is about romance. Rugby is about tribal warfare. Greenpeace, standing up for the defenseless. Apple is about thinking different.

To own a Big-Hairy-Ambitious-Goal is like to own a deep-seated conviction. It is the key to a high-ground no one else can claim. People are drawn by its sense of purpose. People want to be part of what’s happening and they want to work or invest in you. Everybody wants to belong.

Do you have a BHAG?

“I am prepared to bet that in almost all medium to large-seized companies, half the available energy is untapped. Develop a consistent company idea and you will generate enough magawatts for one long and progressive sweep into the limelight” Jack Trout, Strategic management consultant and author.