The Times They Are A-Changin’

Does the changing world put pressure on your corporate culture? We don’t have to tell you that the world, and many businesses in it, are going through some rough and uncertain times. Globalisation is a mixed blessing that is both messy and uneven to the extreme in its immediate impact. Waves of technological change engulf us – and confuse us. Strikes and corporate scandals erupt left and right. These chaotic times have many business leaders fall back on their ‘command and control’ mode. But is it enough? In an age where changelessness is a dangerous delusion, we ask leaders to challenge the legacies they have inherited and take their people to the next level, by creating an entirely new value proposition – and get them out there before it gets stale. It’s a mistake to leave your people in the dark, while they should be on an overarching cause to secure the future. These times are asking for culture change. An ambitious, goal-driven culture is the best way to build and protect your business’ future. Two, full page ads in business newspapers and certain web widgets that all lead to the same outcome: BHAG Design, turning complex into simple and beautiful, adding real value to your company communication.